Monday, June 15, 2009

Chocolate Easter Cat

I arrived in my new Home at Easter. Because I am so chocolatey, my Mam calls me the Chocolate Easter Cat.

Even My Whiskers are Chocolate!

As you can see, I have a Perfect Bunny Profile.

I am very proud of this. I don't really know why...


  1. Hello Mr Fudge, it's nice to meet you. You also look as if you are made of velvet. Yes you are slightly bunnyish, which is very attractive.

    Whicky Wuudler

  2. Hi Mr. Fudge! We saw that you joined our followers and wanted to say hi. We're currently on blogcation to get our mom back on track, but will resume blogging some day.
    You look marvellous! We adore your chocolatey ways. Yum, yum, Siena & Chilli
