Step 2: Your Chef can add some Herbs, cooked Vegetables (I Never put any of that Crap in) or Cheese (after I supervised the preparation, there wasn't any left, Oh Well).
Step 3: Prepare some little bags. My Chef uses generic brand Sandwich Bags. If you're a worried about plastic bags, you could use Foil or Wax Paper.
Step 4: Chef rolls the mince into Cat sized Balls (Eating Balls that is) including any of the other Ingredients You like Best!
Step 5: At this Point, it is Your Prerogative to Eat as Many As You Can before Chef pops them into the Freezer.
Step 6: Nominal Serving is 2 Mince Balls per Day. But if You sit in front of the 'Fridge and Meow loudly as I do, every Time your Chef/Underling opens the Freezer Door, you are bound to get as many as you like. If this does not work, Either You are a failure as a Cat or your Chef/ Underling requires Intensive Re-Education.
Now You Have My Never Fail Recipe for my World Famous Mince Balls or as I like to call them: "Happy Cat Balls" or for Chinese Cats "Lucky Cat Balls"
Enjoy! With Love From Young Mr Fudge xxxx